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Peer Assessment of my “Lingua Francas” post
Peer’s assessment on “Lingua Francas” in the recent History “It is obvious you are not a native speaker of English and trying very hard to learn it. I think, with practice, you will get there. You are certainly doing better than I would do in anything other than my mother tongue. Interesting history. I had… Continua a leggere Peer Assessment of my “Lingua Francas” post
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“Lingua Francas” in the recent History
It is a certain thing that English is the ‘Lingua Franca’ in the modern world. With the term ‘Lingua Franca’ is intended a language that is used and known by people that don’t have the same mother-tongue. The affirmation of English as ‘Lingua Franca’ is a process that is concluded during XIX century, during the… Continua a leggere “Lingua Francas” in the recent History